Pen style sandblaster

Ikohe Sandblaster / Pen style

  • $625.00

• Pen style sandblaster : Features an air filter to eliminate moisture which causes clumping, and a dust filter to keep hazardous dust from your workspace.
• It has a gasket to prevent leakage and a metal grate to keep the work up off the abrasive.
• The lid is lined with replaceable layers of clear film by 3M® to protect the lid from being frosted.
• Two gloves make it easier to hold the pieces you are blasting.
• The nozzle pivots to adjust for the dimensions of the piece you are working on.
• The on/off switch is located inside the cabinet.
• It has a quick change nozzle to make it easy to attach the air hose.
• Size: 20" x 17" x 17"
• WT: 12LB
pen style sandblaster


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